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03 January 2024

UK Unveils Sweeping Changes to Visa Regulations in Ambitious Five-Point Plan

Get ready for some major changes in the UK's visa regulations! Home Secretary James Cleverly introduced a comprehensive "five-point plan" on December 4, 2023, with the aim of reshaping visa policies and managing immigration.  Additional details were provided by the Home Office on December 21, showcasing modifications to the initial proposal.


Let's break down the key changes in the Five-Point Plan, as it currently stands:


1.  Dependant Restrictions for Social Care Workers:

Social care workers will no longer be allowed to bring dependants on their visas. The ban on newly arriving care workers bringing immediate family is expected to take effect "as soon as possible in the new year."


2.  Skilled Worker Visa Salary Requirements:

The minimum salary for sponsorship under the Skilled Worker visa will increase from £26,200 to £38,700. This change, set to happen in April 2024, excludes the Health and Care Worker visa and education workers on national pay scales.


3.  Alterations to the Shortage Occupation List:

Changes to the shortage occupation list will significantly limit the number of jobs eligible for sponsorship below the new baseline minimum salary. Anticipated to take effect no earlier than April 2024.


4.  Increased Minimum Income for Spouse/Partner Visas:

The minimum income required to sponsor someone for a spouse/partner visa will see a phased escalation, starting from £18,600 and reaching approximately £38,700. The first increase to £29,000 is scheduled for spring 2024, with subsequent increases likely later in 2024 and reaching around £38,700 "in early 2025."


5.  Review of the Graduate Visa:

The Migration Advisory Committee will conduct a thorough review of the Graduate visa, a two-year unsponsored work permit for overseas graduates of British universities, starting in January and potentially concluding in late 2024.


These changes mark a significant shift in immigration policy, impacting various categories of visa applicants. If you're affected by these developments or want to discuss immigration or asylum matters, MS Solicitors are here to help.  Reach out to us today at 0141 423 6668 or via email at to book a no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced experts.

22 December 2023

Breaking News:

UK Government amends the proposed Spousal Visa Salary Thresholds

In a significant turn of events, the UK government has reconsidered its proposed amendments to the salary thresholds for sponsoring a Spousal visa, responding to widespread criticism and apprehensions from various quarters.

Originally aiming to set the bar at an unprecedented salary threshold from £18,600 to £38,700, the Government now appear to have opted for a more tempered approach. The plan is now to introduce an initial increase of the threshold to £29,000, at least in the first instance, before implementing further incremental increase over time.

A policy document released by the government sheds light on the phased timeline for these threshold adjustments. According to the document, the salary threshold will see an initial increase to £29,000 in spring 2024, followed by subsequent increments to £34,500 and eventually reaching the originally proposed £38,700.

As things stand, the document lacks specific details regarding the effective dates for these changes, creating a space for further scrutiny and legal considerations.

If these recent developments affect you, or you wish to discuss any matters relating to Immigration or asylum, then MS Solicitors are here to help. You can contact us today on 0141 423 6668 for a chat or by email on to book a no obligation consultation with one of our experienced experts.

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